This is the list with the standards available in English:
- EN 17210:2021 Accessibility and usability of the built environment – Functional requirements (English)
- UNE-EN ISO 28803:2012 (Ratified) Ergonomics of the physical environment. Application of international standards to people with special needs (English)
- UNE-EN 301104 V1.1.1 (Ratified) Human factors (HF). Requirements derived from the human factor for the European telephone numbering area (English)
- UNE-EN ISO 24500:2010 (Ratified) Ergonomics. Accessible design. Auditory signals for consumer products (English)
- UNE-EN ISO 24501:2010 (Ratified) Ergonomics. Accessible design. Sound pressure levels of auditory signals for consumer products (English)
- UNE-EN ISO 24502:2010 (Ratified) Ergonomics. Accessible design. Specification of age-related luminance contrast in colored light (English)
- UNE-EN ISO 24504:2016 (Ratified) Ergonomics. Accessible design. Sound pressure levels of vocal advertisements for sound products and systems (English)
- UNE-ETS 300767 Ed1 (Ratified) Human factor (HF). Prepaid phone cards. Touch ID (English)
- UNE-CEN/CLC Guide 6:2014 (Ratified) Guidelines for the development of standards to take into account the needs of older people and people with disabilities (English)
- UNE-CEN/TR 16427:2013 (Ratified) Intelligent transportation systems. Public transport. Information for travelers with visual impairments (TI-VIP) (English)
- EN 17161:2019 Design for all: Accessibility following a Design for all approach in products, goods and services. Expansion of the range of users (English)
- UNE-EN ISO 24500:2010 (Ratified) Ergonomics. Accessible design. Auditory signals for consumer products (English)
- UNE-EN ISO 24501:2010 (Ratified) Ergonomics. Accessible design. Sound pressure levels of auditory signals for consumer products (English)
- UNE-EN ISO 24502:2010 (Ratified) Ergonomics. Accessible design. Specification of age-related luminance contrast in colored light (English)
- EN 301549 Accessibility requirements for ICT products and services (English)
- UNE-EN 1332-3:2020 (Ratified) Identification card systems. Human-machine interface. Part 3: Keyboards (English)
- UNE-EN 1332-4:2007 (Ratified) Identification card systems. Human-machine interface. Part 4: Coding user requirements for people with special needs (English)
- UNE-EN 1332-5:2006 (Ratified) Identification card systems. Human-machine interface. Part 5: Raised Tactile Symbols for Differentiation of ID-1 Card Applications (English)
- UNE-EN 301104 V1.1.1 (Ratified) Human factors (HF). Requirements derived from the human factor for the European telephone numbering area (English)
- UNE-ETS 300767 Ed1 (Ratified) Human factor (HF). Prepaid phone cards. Touch ID (English)
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